

FUNLEARN EVERYDAY  ЁЯШД роЪெроп்родிроХро│்          роЪрооைропро▓்               роЕрооேроЪாрой் ро╡ெрок் роЪро░்ро╡ீроЪро╕்     роЪெроп்родிроХро│்          родроЩ்роХроо் ро╡ிро▓ை.. роЗрой்ро▒ைроп роиிро▓ро╡ро░роо் роОрой்рой?                                     роЪெро▓்ро╡роороХро│் роЪேрооிрок்рокு родிроЯ்роЯроо் родுро╡роЩ்роХрок்рокோро▒ீроЩ்роХро│ா? роЗродை рооுродро▓ிро▓் рокроЯிропுроЩ்роХ          роЪрооைропро▓்                      рокроЬ்роЬி - рокோрог்роЯா            родோроЪை            рокிро░ிропாрогி            роРро╕்роХிро░ீроо்             роХுро┤роо்рокு            роХроЮ்роЪி            роХூроЯ்роЯு            ро╡ெро░ைроЯ்роЯி ро░ைро╕்            рокроЪ்роЪроЯி            рокро░ுрок்рокு роЪாродроо் ро╡роХைроХро│்             рокொро░ிропро▓்            ро░роЪроо்            роЪрок்рокாрод்родி            роЪூрок்            роЪро░்роХ்роХро░ை ро╡ிропாродி роЙро│்ро│ро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХாрой роЙрогро╡ுроХро│்  роЕрооேроЪாрой் ро╡ெрок் роЪро░்ро╡ீроЪро╕்          AWS                       Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)          

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)           EC2 is a virtual server in the AWS Cloud. AWS EC2 is short for AWS Elastic Cloud Compute,  For this no upfront investment is needed. You only pay for what you use. EC2 is secure and it is scalable.     Features of Amazon EC2  Instances     Virtual servers Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)      Preconfigured templates for your instances that package the components you need for your server (including the operating system and additional software). Instance types      Various configurations of CPU, memory, storage, networking capacity, and graphics hardware for your instances. Key pairs       Secure login information for your instances. AWS stores the public key and you store the private key in a secure place. Instance store volumes       Storage volumes for temporary data that is deleted when you stop, hibernate, or terminate your instance. Amazon EBS volumes        Persistent storage volumes for your data using Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS). Reg


AWS  ( AMAZON WEB SERVICES )           Hello everyone in this blog we are going to learn about AWS (Amazon Web Services) , which is a comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform provided by Amazon that includes a mixture of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and packaged-software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings.The first product (S3) was released in 2006. AWS has grown a lot since then in both size and product range.It is, to date, the largest cloud provider in the world. Why Learn AWS Cloud?                        1) This skill offers many job opportunities. Best cloud to start as a carrier since it covers almost all the services.            2)  AWS is one of the major cloud providers ,Cheap and best.            3) You can do everything in the AWS cloud securely. TOP 10 CLOUD PROVIDERS 1.Amazon Web Services.  2.Google Cloud Platform. 3.Microsoft Azure. 4.IBM Cloud.  5.Oracle Cloud. 6.Alibaba Cloud. 7.Salesforce.  8.Verizon Cloud. For clear understandi


TOP 5 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE   Making money online: The Internet provides many opportunities to make money online. With a little effort and creativity, you can earn a decent income from the comfort of your own home. Here are 5 ways to quickly make money online     1. Offer consulting services:  If you have expertise in a particular field, you can offer your services as a consultant. There are many websites that allow you to set up a profile and offer your services. Consulting is a great way to use your skills and knowledge to help businesses achieve their goals. It can be a very rewarding career, both financially and professionally   2. Be an affiliate:    You can earn commission on sales by promoting products or services on your website or blog. There are many companies that offer affiliate programs.  As an affiliate, you can make money in a number of ways. The most common is through commission-based marketing. This is when you promote a company’s products or services and earn a